Nigh GTA on Mac

Furthermore, the version of the game that is put up for free is the GTA 5's Premium Edition – this includes the full storyline from the game plus Grand Theft Auto Online in addition to all currently existing in-game upgrades and bonus content. To top it all, users would also become the "Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack" that comes with fifty-fifty more than content every bit well every bit a 1,000,000 $ bonus in-game coin for online play.

All you need in order to take hold of the GTA 5 for gratuitous is a working PC or Mac (of course, one that could run this rather resource-intensive game), an Epic Games Launcher, and an Ballsy Games account. Nonetheless, one thing we must note hither is that users would have to have enabled two-gene authentication on their accounts in gild to exist permitted to get the game for free.

  1. Tin can y'all run GTA 5 on Mac?

    The short respond is yes. At that place are a few methods to play and install GTA V, each with its benefits and disadvantages which we hash out beneath.
    one. Play using Cloud Gaming Services
    two. Play using BootCamp
    3. Play using Parallels

GTA 5 Prepare Methods

Methods Advantage Disadvantage
Cloud Gaming – No set-up required – Register and Play
– Access to a Library of over 70 top-rated free Games
– Smooth performance
– Monthly Fee
– Requires Decent Net Connection
– No Costless Trial
BootCamp – Free to utilise any time
– Windows 10 Surround
– Painful Setup
– Mediocre Performance
– Only Compatible with Intel Macs
Parallels Virtual Automobile – Easy Set-upward
– Acceptable Performance
– Play almost any PC game
– Windows eleven environment
– Uniform with M1 and Intel Macs
– 14-solar day free trial
– Yearly Fee

Recommended GTA 5 with Cloud Gaming

GTA V is at present available to play on cloud gaming servers. This assures NO
compatibility bug while playing on your Mac as well as top-notch functioning.

Stride one. Get GTA V

Before playing GTA V make certain you take a Steam, Ballsy Games, or RockStar compatible version of the game. This is important as other versions volition non run on cloud gaming services such as Boosterid and Geforce At present. Beneath are links to the official websites. Experience complimentary to search effectually the web for the all-time offers.

Update: Limited time offer now available at, buy GTA V Premium Edition -84% Off for $x.99 (RockStar Launcher)

Step 2. Register and Add GTA V To Boosteroid Deject Gaming Library

All you need to practice now is register for Boosteroid. This allows you to add GTA V to their Cloud Gaming Library. One time uploaded you lot tin seamlessly play the game from your Mac, TV or Mobile Device.

When Registered you volition have boosted access to more than than 70 top-rated games for free. Pricing varies depending on the subscription plan.

Play GTA v on Mac with BootCamp

Before attempting to install boot camp nosotros recommend checking your macs specifications and cross-referencing them with those recommended to run GTA 5. Adjacent, yous will need a plan calledBoot Military camp. With Boot Army camp, you can install a version of Windows 10 which is compatible with GTA 5. Hither are the steps for installing Windows 10 on a Mac using Kicking Camp:

  1. Download Windows 10 ISO onto your mac
  2. Configure Boot Camp Assistant
  3. Go to Finder > Applications > Utilities > Boot Army camp Assistant
  4. Open the program and click continue
  5. Select the Windows 10 ISO
  6. Cull somewhere around 100GB of space
  7. Install the Windows ten ISO and configure Windows
  8. Install recommended drivers after booting up the Windows partition

If y'all are running Mac OS Cataline 10.xv nosotros recommend watching this YouTube video to make sure you are non missing out on any of the steps.

Mac With Intel Chips

Although Mac computers aren't specifically designed as gaming machines, it is still possible to play games on them. Even so, if you want to run GTA V on a Mac, you will first need to install Windows seven or higher. We highly recommend installing windows 10 on your Mac even with the latest version of Mac Os 10.15.5 via something called Windows Boot Camp (official instructions from Apple on how to set this upwardly) using the instructions above. Also, notation that, in society to run the game on your Mac, you volition also demand at least 65 GB of gratis infinite and your machine would have to encounter/exceed the minimum system requirements for the game.

GTA 5 on Mac M1 with Parallels

To run GTA Five on Mac M1 models, we recommend installing a virtualization tool on your Mac and creating a Windows 10 virtual machine. Once you set up upwards the Windows virtual automobile, you can so use it to play GTA Five on your Mac M1.

The Boot Camp method shown on this page is a viable selection simply for Intel-based Macs. For M1 models, you will need to use an alternative, and virtualization apps such as Parallels could be the respond. Nosotros volition show y'all how to employ Parallels then that you can create a Windows 10 virtual motorcar on your Mac but acquit in mind that, though a lot of Windows games can indeed be played on M1 Macs using this method, at that place are no guarantees that this would work in all cases. Another note that we must make is that Parallels is not a free program. However, information technology has a 14-day free trial, and nosotros recommend that you lot use this period to test the Windows 10 virtual automobile that it creates and so make up one's mind if the gaming experience you lot go with its help would make purchasing the full program worth information technology for you.

  1. Start by going to the official site of Parallels , click the Download Gratis Trial button and then select Download Now.
  2. Once you download the Parallel installation file, start information technology, and double-click Install Parallels Desktop. Your Mac will probably ask you if you are certain y'all want to start this app – if information technology does, click Open up.
  3. If you are asked to enter your Admin password, type the countersign and click OK.
  4. Click Adjacent in the Parallel'south Desktop Permissions screen, and then provide your approval for each permission that gets requested past clicking OK.
  5. Side by side, you lot will have to download an ARM-compatible installation file for Windows – to do that, go to this link, discover, click the Register push button below "Meet the Windows Insider Plan", and then select Sign in now.
  6. On the next page, sign in with your Microsoft business relationship or create an account if you currently don't have one and log into it.
  7. Next, scroll down a bit until you go to the Register At present button, click it, and click Flight Now on the next page.
  8. After that, click this link and sign in with your Microsoft account if you aren't already signed in.
  9. Select the Windows Client ARM 64 Insider Preview push and download the file – it's a big file, around 9 gigabytes, so information technology will take a while for it to download.
  10. Now go back to Parallels, click Proceed, then discover the ARM file and drag-and-drop it in the middle of the Parallels installer.
  11. Click Continue so choose Games only if you intend to utilize Windows only to play the game, after which select Go on and and so Create.
  12. (Optional step) You can check the Customize settings option before clicking on Create and this volition accept you to a settings window once y'all click the Create button – in this window you tin make changes to the settings of the virtual machine. If yous want, you can allocate more RAM and CPU cores to the virtual auto to improve performance while gaming. We recommend keeping the recommended number of cores but increasing the virtual retentivity (RAM) to 6 GB if your Mac M1 model has a total of 8 GB, and to 8 or 12, if your Mac has 16 gigabytes of RAM. After you are done here, close the customization screen and click Keep.
  13. Next, go through the remaining installation prompts, giving your permission whenever information technology is required, and shortly y'all volition be done with the installation of the Windows 10 virtual auto.

Once the virtual machine'southward installation is completed, yous volition be able to quickly switch between it and your macOS system simply past pressing Command + Tab or past swiping with iii fingers on the trackpad. Basically, think of the virtual machine as only one more active app that's on your Mac and that can run other apps in its ain environment. If you lot desire, you can pause Parallels to terminate it from using RAM and Processing power by going to macOS, clicking the Parallels icon in the menu bar, selecting Actions, and clicking on Pause. You tin can also shut it downwards entirely by going to the Windows x virtual machine, clicking the Start Carte, selecting the Ability push, and so selecting Close Downwardly.

Downloading GTA Five for Mac

Please remember to download the game on the windows version via Kicking Camp. The Epic game launcher itself is not compatible with Mac OS.

Download Ballsy Games Launcher for Mac

Recommended Specs To run GTA V On Mac


Intel Cadre i5 3470 @ iii.2GHZ (four CPUs) / AMD X8 FX-8350 @ 4GHZ (eight CPUs)


viii GB RAM

Video Menu



Space90 GB available space

Utilise Geforce Now to play GTA on Mac

A number of users on the Geforce forums take been reporting that Grand Theft Auto 5 has been removed from the NVIDIA Geforce At present library of games. Many people used to play GTA on Geforce Now merely the game isn't bachelor anymore. Initially, the rumors were that the reason for the game'due south accept-down was an update or some problem with the contract, but information technology seems that Rockstar has got a deal with Google for Stadia and Geforce At present yanked GTA because of that.

Use Stadia to play GTA on Mac

The good news is that the fans of 1000 Theft Motorcar five might be able to see it arriving soon in Stadia Edition. A Rockstar Magazine tweet indicated that the game tin can be released earlier than expected. Co-ordinate to the leak, players using Google Stadia seem to be presently able to savour the game. However, the tweet did not have a source or any timeline for the game'due south release. That'due south why many fans already anticipate an update that will reveal when they should be able to play the ported title.

At the moment, the game persists in gaming charts, and, hence, bringing information technology to more playing platforms is financially meaningful for all interested parties.

M Theft Auto five likewise gives fans a lot of content and the players in Stadia would surely enjoy the well-regarded title in their gaming drove. Information technology remains to be seen if this game would contribute to improving Stadia'south revenue, although this depends a lot on the continuing success and popularity of GTA 5.

Grand Theft Motorcar 5 tin can currently be played on PCs, PlayStation 4, and Xbox I, with PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series X scheduled to be launched in late 2021.

Running GTA on Apple silicon

For the time being m1 fries cannot run windows with Boot Camp. The key reason is that the two operating systems now run on a totally different compages. Whereas intel fries on Mac were capable of running Windows 10 this would be almost impossible to accomplish with all new Macs with apple silicon

Massive Ballsy Game Store crash due to a traffic spike on release date

As before long as Epic Games Store's official Twitter account announced that the game they will be made bachelor for free would indeed be GTA V, understandably, a huge number of users seem to have rushed to the Shop in anticipation of the gratuitous release of the title. This, however, seems to accept caused a massive crash on the Ballsy Games servers that lasted for hours. The Epic Games team addressed this issue on their Twitter page, expressing their apologies and assuring their customers that they are working on resolving the outcome. At the moment of writing this mail service, the server bug at Ballsy Games Shop seem to have been resolved and people could now once once more log in with their accounts and claim the Premium Edition of the acclaimed Rockstar game.

This is not the first time Ballsy Games Store has made such free game giveaways. Always since the store was launched in Dec 2018, they have been occasionally making games free for a temporary corporeality of fourth dimension and according to a argument from the company fabricated in January, they intend to continue doing it throughout the whole of 2020.